Friday, September 23, 2005

7:09 PM - Sept. 23, 2005 - And Then The Rains Came...

The rains just started accompanied by winds. I sat outside on the stairs with my downstairs neighbors drinking my last glass of wine. I shared what I have with them, and I have no more, but it was great. We enjoyed the early breezes, and the gentle raindrops cooling us off from the hot day of battening down the hatches.

Then it started to rain harder, and it was time to move indoors. It's not really storming. It's just the edge of the storm, but this could be the last post I do until the storm is over. I will shut down the computer and unplug it to save it as much as possible, but I'll try to post later if it's possible.

If the lights go out, I have no radio or TV or anything except land line telephone, so I could be incommunicado, but trust that I am safe.

Send pink clouds (which there are many of right now in the sky at sunset) and love to the Rita so she can step down to 3, 2, 1, gentle rain and breezes. All is well and still pretty quiet on the home front.

Love to everyone.


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