Friday, September 23, 2005

Friday, Sept. 23, 2005 - 8:30

I just woke up to the hammering of boards on homes around me having slept very deeply after my glass of wine. I remember dreaming a great deal, but no conscious remembrance of the dreams.

The news of the bus fire that killed all the elderly fleeing passengers is such a devastating tragedy. It's so sad. My deepest sympathy goes out to their families and friends. It's a terrible thing when death and destruction occur when that's what we're trying to prevent. I will pray for the comfort of the living and the dead.

I took a really good shower last night and washed my hair just in case I can't do that for a few days, I'll start out clean. I have wipees and extra water in pitchers and tea kettles and other containers that can be used for washing things, and I have good bottled water for drinking.

Right now I'm having a cup of excellent coffee with hazelnut creamer. I'm getting ready to do my morning breathing and centering exercises and invoking the heart's and soul's desires of all my friends and all those who are in fear of this storm. I'm going to sit on the back steps and enjoy this cooler weather this morning while I have my coffee and invoke. It's 79 degrees F. (26 C) right now. Lovely after yesterday's very hot temp. And the clouds are beginning to gather. No rain yet at my house though I can feel it coming in the breeze.

I'm wearing my favorite cute pink jeans and top so if I have to leave, I'll be comfortable and feel good in them. Pink is love, and I want to share as much love as I can.

Well, Good Morning World, I'll be back after meditation to record what I get.

Peace, love and harmony.



Blogger WritingMuse said...

--Sandy~this is great. Kelley and I have done a mini-evacuation up to the Fairbanks North Houston area to her Mom's. It's good to hear how things are going with you. Thank you for all of the love energy you are putting out there. As a fellow Virgo, I'm pleading with Rita to exhibit her compassionate side. Keep on keeping on.--
Take Care~Lisa

10:16 AM  
Blogger WritingMuse said...

Hi Miss Sandy!
You made a very courageous choice to face any hidden fears and literally have the opportunity to experience THE PEACE IN IN THE EYE OF THE STORM. My Guides reminded me that the vibrations of Rita reach me and every corner of the world. You know that you are not alone, are Protected and we are all together in this particular event, another WAKE UP CALL. I am praying for the highest outcome for you and all of us and look forward to more updates.
--- BSparkles

10:17 AM  

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