Friday, September 23, 2005

Meditation with Hurricane Rita - 09/23/05 - 10:25 am Houston

I feel myself being drawn into an inner vision. I am lifted up above this storm to see the greater purpose, and I am inspired to share first the words of Mother Mary through my friend, Claire Papin. It's a song called Mary's Lullaby, and I don't have all the words, but these are the important ones that will calm fears and set up a protective field around us. Use it like a mantra for peace and comfort.

"Fill this home with love, fill this home with light and love, fill this home with love, light and love. Fill this home with peace, fill this home with peace and joy. Fill this home with peace, peace and joy."

I breathe a deep breath and align my crown with the one source and draw into myself the living connection with all that is.

I breathe in a deep breath into my forehead and align my vision with the vision of all that is for the highest and best good, all in divine order.

I breathe in a deep breath into my throat and align my voice, my words, with truth and comfort.

I breathe a deep breath into my heart and open up the unconditional love for myself, others and Hurricane Rita that all will be in harmony for the highest and best good of the whole. I ask that Isar, the winds of change, communicate with Rita for her gentle, loving connection with this earth.

I breathe a deep breath into my solar plexus and ask that my thoughts be the thoughts of the divine and that I find new ways of thinking and being in this world.

I breathe a deep breath into my navel and align all my relationships with my heart and surround them with unconditional love.

I breathe a deep breath into my root center and offer my body to the service of those in need. May I be a help and comfort to all those in fear for their safety and the safety of their loved ones. May divine protection surround us all and may we be lifted out of the survival mode and into sacred relationship.

I breathe a deep breath and connect with the earth and send her love, joy and peace. I thank her for her strength, support and bounty. And I allow myself to feel her energy fill me up with that strength, support and bounty.

What can I do to be of service during this challenge? What can I offer from my sacred space that will help others see the beauty, the power and the purpose of this changing time?

The answer comes that "You are right where you need to be, doing what you need to do, and all is well, and you are safe. The vision you saw years ago of people moving about the country with the help of the government is unfolding now as it is meant to do. Know that the outcome of all this change is placing people more in alignment with their purpose and mission in this world. It is reorienting their values to what is truly important, back to center. There is no judgement in the eye of this hurricane. It is simply doing what the powerful surges of energy from this planet have asked it to do to serve the greater good. Individuals cannot recognize this in time of crisis, but later they always say, it was the best thing, that it changed their lives, and a new life was born from an event they would not have chosen, but really needed to move them out of old patterns. Aquarius is born of the Virgin. Rita is Virgo, the virgin, and Katrina was as well. But Katrina birthed in Virgo, and so cleared the path. Rita births in Libra and so restores harmony and balance to a war-torn world. The U.S. is not the only place experiencing these changes right now. Look at the bigger picture. Look at the natural events around the world right now. Change is under way. Change is inevitable. Aquarius takes the reigns from Pisces, and the air now rules the water. Unconditional love births only perfection, no matter what it looks like to our human minds. Follow your guidance. Follow your heart. Stay or go based on the core of your being, and you will be in the right place at the right time for the right purpose. All is well, and you are safe. All is well, and you are living your truth. All is well, and you are being given an opportunity to change yourself and the lives of all who read this meditation. -- Shilam-Si-Ra, a being of balance in this time of Libra."

And so it is. Take this meditation to your hearts and see what it tells you for your own lives. I look forward to hearing from you, and I'll keep writing unless my phone lines and electricity are down. I'm moving my car away from the trees and away from the lower areas of potential flooding. I have prepared all I can, and now again I wait and watch and share with all of you.


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