Friday, September 23, 2005

2:28 pm - 9/23/05 - Playing the waiting game...

I went out and nailed down some loose railing boards on my stairs and patio. I had been putting it off for a while, but it seemed like a good thing to do today. Don't want the wind putting them through my windows.

All my friends who are still in town checked in with each other to see how we're feeling, and we're all still feeling good about the potential for safety.

I've had some calls from around the country and some nice emails cheering me on for integrating the energy of "Becoming a Force of Nature."

Nothing much to report. All quiet on the home front. No more sound of boards being nailed. Most everyone is done with the preps, and now we're just waiting for the rain. There, or course, will be some rain. Houston always gets some rain where there's weather in the Gulf.

I'm wishing I had more ice. Those who know me know I'm an ice eater, and I seem to have eaten half a bag since yesterday. On advice of the TV, I put several more containers of water in the freezer so it can keep the freezer cold if the power is off.

It's funny to think that in a month I'll be packing everything up and leaving. This is a good prep for that too.

The wind is kicking up a bit now. The trees are blowing around a little, but still no rain. I'm going back to watching bad movies on TV and sending love to Rita.

More to come. I'll let you know when the rain starts. Love to all


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